Our Story

In the summer of 2015, the two co-founders (Kenneth & Davon) started talking about working on a joint project together. After brainstorming a few ideas, we both realized we were into design and specifically, design on the web and branding. In our mind, product and web design are two areas that need some fixing. We felt there was a lack of innovation in modern design and that we could make improvements to what we think needed to be fix.

Instead of complaining, we took on the challenge of launching our own start up called Mark & Crews STUDIOS. It wasn't easy in the beginning but we worked our way up to this point. We were only two people who weren't that experience but like the saying goes "practice makes man perfect". We spent hours and hours of limited time researching and learning about design as we went on.

Months later , we started getting our first projects to work on. We didn't get the most we could have gotten for it but there's always a start to everything and we clearly understood. With hard-work and determination we are now a reputable design and branding agency that has worked with both local and international companies to achieve great productions.

We are proud of our work so far and we hope to get to higher heights and gain more recognition.